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Weekly News

W/C 24th February 2025

Year 4 have had a fantastic first week of term 4. It is hard to believe we are halfway through the school year and we have so much more learning to cram in.

We have started a lot of new topics in our foundation subjects and particularly enjoyed learning about electricity in Science. We learnt about the different types of electricity and their sources. In Geography, we have started a new unit on deserts. We have learnt all about how deserts are arid and have very little precipitation, and not all deserts are hot! Antarctica is actually the largest desert by definition, as it receives very little precipitation.

In Maths this week, we have continued our learning of fractions, and we are becoming confident in identifying mixed and improper fractions and converting them. We have been learning to add fractions and mixed numbers. We also learnt to subtract fractions and subtract from whole numbers.

In English this week, we wrote a diary entry about our half term and focused on the simple past tense and using first person. We have started our new text, 'Circle' by Jeannie Baker. It is a really thought-provoking text with beautiful illustrations. We have written a postcard from the  'Goodwit' bird featured in the story. Amazingly, in its lifetime, a Goodwit flies more than the distance from Earth to the Moon! We also wrote a reply from the boy in the story. We thought carefully about our responses to make sure they were relevant.  

W/C 10th February 2025

We are feeling very proud in Year 4 of our church service on kindness. We know how important it is to be kind to all and enjoyed sharing this message with everyone in our service. The videos from the service are now on the website.

In 4W, we enjoyed experimenting in Science this week. We finished our learning on 'states of matter' by exploring gas and its properties. We found out how carbon dioxide is put into drinks to make them fizzy and investigated whether gas weighs anything. We tied an inflated and deflated balloon to a hanger to demonstrate that gas has a weight. Meanwhile, 4R had an amazing time at Forest School. They loved exploring nature, taking part in exciting outdoor activities, and working together as a team. One of the highlights was making delicious hot chocolate and warming up by the fire. 

In Maths, we have been learning all about mixed number fractions and improper fractions. We have explored how to identify each type and practised converting between them. We discovered that an improper fraction has a numerator larger than or equal to the denominator, while a mixed number includes a whole number and a fraction. Using different strategies, such as division and multiplication, we worked on changing improper fractions into mixed numbers and vice versa. Through fun activities and problem-solving exercises, we strengthened our understanding and confidence in working with fractions.

In English, we have been writing instructions for games using imperative verbs. We enjoyed finding out about Roman games and learnt how to play 'Morra' and 'Terni Lapilli'.

Next term in English, we will explore our new text, 'Circle' by Jeanie Baker. We will start by using the past tense, first person and informal language to write postcards and diary entries.

We finished the term by completing and evaluating our piece of artwork. We had a go at sewing a button and this was a great achievement when the button was secure. The buttons have added an additional texture and 3D element to our art and we are very proud of them.


W/C 3rd February 2025

In English this week, we have been writing recounts about emperors behaving badly, uncovering some of the shocking and mischievous actions of Rome's rulers. We have also been working on comparisons, looking at how education in ancient Rome differed from modern schooling. It has been interesting to see the contrasts, from strict discipline to the use of wax tablets instead of notebooks!

In Maths, we have been focusing on fractions. We have been learning how to place fractions on number lines, helping us to understand their value and position. We have also been exploring mixed number fractions, learning how whole numbers and fractions work together.

This week, 4W had a fantastic time at Forest School, enjoying the outdoors and taking part in exciting activities. They made popcorn over a fire and weaved bracelets while exploring. Meanwhile, 4R have been busy with their recorder lessons, learning new notes and practising tunes.

Year 4 have been working really hard this week to prepare for their church service on Monday. We have been practising our readings, learning our lines and making sure we speak clearly and confidently. Everyone has put in a great effort to make the service special, and we are really excited to share it with our families. We hope that lots of parents will be able to come and watch us, as we have been working so hard to make it a memorable and meaningful event. We can't wait to perform and make everyone proud!

W/C 27th January 2025

In English this week, we wrote non-chronological reports about health and medicine in ancient Rome. We have enjoyed learning some interesting and often quite disturbing facts! We worked hard in Paris to produce some informative and well presented reports with pictures and captions. We have also learnt about the different types of determiners. Next week, in English we will be consolidating our understanding of how to use pronouns and conjunctions. We will continue to explore our current text 'So you think you've got it bad? A kids life in Ancient Rome' and use it to write a recount about a Roman Emperor and write a comparison about education now and in ancient Rome.

This week in Maths, we have been focusing on perimeter, consolidating our knowledge by finding missing lengths and ensuring we have a strong understanding of how to calculate it accurately. We explored both regular and irregular polygons, identifying their key features and how these impact perimeter calculations. By examining different shapes, we practised applying our skills to a variety of problems, helping us to recognise patterns and develop efficient strategies. This has strengthened our confidence in working with perimeter and deepened our understanding of the properties of polygons.

The highlight of our week was obviously our truly fabulous Roman Day! We were very excited as we arrived at school in our wonderful costumes and we were ready to be Romans for the day. Carl from 'Those history people' was fantastic at getting us straight into character from the start as our Roman 'Prefect'. We used authentic Roman methods to make lavender bags, wax tablets with stylus, safety pins, mosaic tiles and clay pots. We had a go at inscribing, making ink, being archers and legionaires. We learnt how to be a Roman army and use the formation and strategies of attack and retreat...and that was just the morning!

After lunch ,Carl was now an archaeologist and we became archaeologists too! We learnt how to delicately excavate Roman artefacts and classify them. We plotted our excavation site findings on a grid and created our own museum of Roman artefacts.

It was such a wonderful day, packed full of exciting learning and inspiring moments that will have a lasting impact on us all. We hope you enjoy looking at the photos. Thank you so much to Carl for being such a knowledgeable and passionate Prefect and archaeologist! Also a huge thank you to all the parents who helped on the day, it was your support that made the day such a success.


W/C 20th January 2025

This week in Maths, we have been exploring measurement. We have been working on measuring in kilometres and metres, as well as finding equivalent lengths to deepen our understanding of different units. The children have also been calculating the perimeter of rectilinear shapes and learning how to find missing lengths by applying their knowledge of addition and subtraction.

In English, we have been learning about irony and how it adds depth and contrast to storytelling. To put that knowledge to use, we have written songs about Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii, weaving irony into the lyrics.

This week in PE, both Year 4 classes came together for an exciting session focused on improving their dodgeball skills. The children worked hard on throwing accuracy, dodging techniques, and teamwork through a series of fun drills an mini games.

Year 4 are eagerly anticipating their Roman Workshop Day on Monday! The children are excited to immerse themselves in Roman history, exploring what life was like in ancient times. They can't wait to dress up, handle fascinating artefacts, and take part in interactive activities that will bring the Roman world to life. It promises to be an engaging and memorable day for everyone involved.


W/C 13th January 2025

In Year 4 this week, we are loving our new text 'Escape from Pompeii' by Christina Balit. This week we have focussed on fronted adverbials. We have used them to write a chronological report and also in persuasive letters. We have loved writing letters to the Prime Minister to tell him our ideas about what should be in every school. There was a wide range of ideas that included swimming pools, zoos in the playground and a weekly disco! We also wrote letters to Pompeii in 79AD explaining we are from the future and tried to warn them of the imminent eruption. Next week in English we are focussing on nouns and noun phrases. We will use them to write setting descriptions and to write a song. We will also be identifying and understanding irony.

In Maths this week, we have focussed on multiplying and dividing 2  and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. The children have been learning various strategies, such as breaking down numbers using place value and using written like the column method for multiplication. Our aim is to build their confidence in handling larger numbers and strengthen their understanding of these fundamental operations as well as the role of place value in exchanges.

In Science, 4W continued their learning on states of matter and looked at frozen water and explored how long it takes to melt. They learnt about the differing freezing points of different materials and observed and drew diagrams of the processes and reversing of melting, freezing, evaporation and condensation. 4R spent the day at Forest School, sampling rosemary and oregano teas, and learning how to tie different knots. Some of the children blew us away with their knowledge, and enjoyed demonstrating new knots to their friends.  

 We are looking forward to seeing parents at 9.10 on Monday 20th January where we will be sharing more information about the year 4 Multiplication Check. If you are not able to make it, the slide deck will be made available on the website by the end of next week.

W/C 6th January 2025

We have had a busy first week back of the New Year and have enjoyed settling back into routines and catching up on news from the holidays. In English this week, we started by writing a recount of our Christmas holidays. We used first person consistently and had a focus on contractions to consolidate our learning. We have read our new text 'Escape from Pompeii' by Christina Balit. We have used it to write a setting description from this beautifully illustrated book about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. We have also written a setting comparison by learning about the areas of Naples now and comparing them to Naples in 79AD. Next week in English, we will have a focus on fronted adverbials. We will be using them in a chronological report about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and also in persuasive letters to the Prime Minister and the people of Pompeii.

In Maths this week, we have continued our learning of times tables, and strategies to use, from last term. We have also focused on multiplying and dividing numbers. We have found it helpful to use counters to show the change in place value when multiplying by 10. We have been learning to multiply and divide by 100 and looking closely at place value when we do this. At the end of this week, we moved on to multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number using the formal column multiplication method.

The highlight of our week has been our stunning start! We had an afternoon of science where we explored states of matter. We identified the properties of a gas, liquid and solid and demonstrated how the particles move in them. We even made some lava (slime!) As we made the slime, we observed the change in state of matter. We described its properties and thought about how the particles would be behaving. It was a fun stunning start full of learning.


W/C 16th December 2024


 We have had a wonderful week in Year 4 and have crammed so much in, including a visit to Father Christmas, a Christmas concert, a Christmas dinner, a Christmas nativity and a Christmas church service! Amongst all the Christmas activities, we have also completed some amazing learning to be very proud of. 

In English, we have written some amazing persuasive letters and Christmas stories based on Edgar the dragon. We have used detailed description and ambitious vocabulary. Our writing has captivated the reader and we have enjoyed reading them to each other. Next term, in English we will start the week writing a recount of our Christmas holidays with a focus on using the past tense, contractions and paragraphs.

In Maths this week, we have focused on multiplying and dividing numbers. We have been learning about factor pairs and finding out how many factor pairs a number has. We know that a number that only has one factor pair (itself and one) is a prime number and we have learnt that factors have to be integers (whole numbers). We have found it helpful to use counters to show the change in place value when multiplying by 10. In week one of next term, we will be learning to multiply and divide by 100 and looking closely at place value when we do this. We will be identifying related facts in multiplication and division. At the end of the week, we will move on to multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.

May we take this opportunity to thank you for the very thoughtful messages, cards and gifts; we have been overwhelmed by your kindness.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.


W/C 9th December 2024

What another exciting week of learning we have had. We finished our 6 weeks of Gymnastics lessons with Hayley by performing our routines. We learnt how to present at the beginning and at the end to indicate the start and finish. We worked hard to remember the routines and we were all feeling very proud of ourselves at the end of the lesson and many of us are inspired to become gymnasts. 

Another highlight of our week was our Science afternoon on Thursday. Following on from our engineering stunning start, we made our sound generators according to our criteria. There had to be at least two strings and two different materials. The sound generator also had to make two different pitches. We then used our previous planning to put sound to the silent Bambi clip. It was an afternoon of learning, fun and perseverance in abundance!

In English this week, we have been very busy writing our fact-files about our chosen animal. We grouped the information into relevant sections and have created some amazing and informative fact-files about a wide variety of animals. Also, in English, we have learnt the features of a script. We then wrote our own script to retell a scene from 'Ice palace'. We remembered to use colons and brackets in the correct places. Next week in English, we will have the opportunity to act out our scenes and to write Christmas stories using captivating plots and ambitious vocabulary.

In Maths this week, we have learnt the rules of dividing a number by 1 and by itself. We have also multiplied 3 numbers together. We have consolidated our learning with some addition and subtraction fluency, using the inverse to check our answers and some word problems. Next week, we will be identifying and using factor pairs and learning strategies to multiply 2 digit numbers by 10. 

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W/C 2nd December 2024

This week in English, we have all written short stories inspired by a picture. We focused on using fronted adverbials and ambitious, powerful adjectives. We have also continued with our text 'Ice palace' and reached the dramatic end. We used our summary and sequencing skills to identify the key events in the story and then made a story map in groups. Next week, we will be  writing our own script for a scene in 'Ice palace' and focusing on the punctuation and layout for scripts, including colons and brackets. Next week we will also be creating a non-chronological report using the facts we have found out about our chosen animal from our homework. This homework was set last week so everyone should have completed this in preparation for Tuesday's lesson next week. Please can Homework books be in school this day.


In Maths this week, we have developed confidence with the 7, 11 and 12 times tables and reminded ourselves of the rules when multiplying by 1 and 0. We have made sure we understand the definitions of sum and product.  Next week in Maths, we will divide a number by 1 and itself and learn to multiply three numbers together.

Our artistic skills were put to the test in History when we found out about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. We used pastels to create dramatic pictures of the eruption and could recall the events as they unfolded all those years ago. 

Our understanding of population is increasing in Geography lessons and this week we learnt more details about the Welsh population and culture.

In Gymnastics with Hayley this week we started putting all the moves we have learned together into a routine. The routine is an official routine used in Gymnastics competitions and we will be polishing our routines and then filming them next week in our last lesson with Hayley. The routines included arabesques, forward rolls, cartwheels and jumps. The progress from the start of this term is noticeable and everyone has developed more control and poise completing moves. 



W/C 25th November 2024

Wow! What a wonderful week we have had in Year 4! In English we have started reading our new text, 'Ice Palace' by Robert Swindells. The story is about a boy called 'Ivan' who decides to go on a long, dangerous and bitterly cold journey to rescue his younger brother. In our classes we held a conscience alley. One child was Ivan and the rest of the class had to persuade Ivan to decide whether to keep going or turn back. There was some really thoughtful and persuasive language used and excellent listening skills demonstrated. We have written down our persuasive thoughts and written predictions using evidence from the text to decide what Ivan’s fate will be.

Next week in English we will be writing a short story inspired by a picture.  We will also be learning about features of scripts and writing a scene from the Ice Palace as a script.

In Maths, we have continued multiplication and have surprised ourselves at the many different strategies we can use to work out the higher numbered times tables. We realised we could use our five and two times tables to work out the seven times tables.

Next week in Maths, we will continue using strategies to work out the 7, 11 and 12 times tables and finish the week by remembering the rules of multiplying by 1 and 0.

Our DT day was a fantastic finish to the week. We started the day learning about pneumatics and what is powered by pneumatics. We then designed our own moving monster with a moving part. Once our designs were finished, we followed instructions to make our monsters and used pneumatics to move one part of our creation. We wrote instructions to explain how to make our monsters work and then peer and self-evaluated our creations. Everyone one worked so hard throughout the day and we are sure you will be impressed when you see the marvellous, moving monsters come home! Make sure you view the DT day photos too. (If you are viewing this on a mobile device, you may need to scroll to the bottom for the 'Year 4 Photos Page')

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W/C 18th November 2024

This week we have been working very hard in Year 4. In English we have planned and then written an informal letter. We had to write about an achievement  and there were some very thoughtful letters full of pride. This was an independent task and we used our plans, dictionaries and thesaurus to help us. We tried to use contractions and abstract nouns, as well as remaining in past tense using first person. Next week, in English we will be completing assessments in reading and punctuation and grammar. We will then start our new text, 'Ice palace' by Robert Swindells.

In Maths, we have continued our learning of multiples and completed independent assessments. We have worked really hard and shown resilience and enormous amounts of concentration. These assessments in English and Maths will then inform teachers of areas we need to have further lessons on and areas where we have a confident understanding of. Next week in Maths, we will consolidate multiples of 3, 6 and 9 and then learn strategies to  multiply and divide by 7.

Our netball skills are continuing to improve and this week we practised our chest, bounce and shoulder passes. Thursday afternoons are always spent as a Year group for outdoor PE. There was a lot of positive teamwork and determination, despite the cold!



W/C 11th November 2024

What a special week it has been. With a poignant and reflective start to  the week with Remembrance day. We made poppies with poems or words that we linked to Remembrance day and had a reflective collective worship. We have also enjoyed wearing spotty items for children in need today.

This week we have continued our learning in English linked to the text 'Romans on the Rampage'. We have all planned our own inventions and created a leaflet about them. We had to think about the different features and who the inventions would be useful for. Next week, Year 4 classes will be swapping leaflets and voting on the best invention. The best invention from each class will win a prize. The enthusiasm and level of imagination has been phenomenal and the inventions have included a 'Thinking box 5000', a 'Naturebot', a 'Skittle drinks machine', a 'cooler/heater jumper', a 'Sensibot' and the world's first 'teleporter'! Luckily we are just drawing and writing about them and not making them! Next week in English, we will be learning about different types of nouns with a focus on abstract nouns. We will also be writing informal letters.

In Maths this week, we have compared areas and found the difference between them. We have now moved on to our next unit of multiplication. We have focused on multiples of 3 and 6 and have learnt the fact families. We have  found out how we can use our knowledge of one times table to work out another e.g. double threes to help with sixes.  Next week, we will continue to focus on multiplication and division of multiples of 6 and 9. 

We finished our week with our stunning start to our new topic, 'Spectacular Systems'. We spent most of the day as engineers. We learnt what engineering is, what engineers do and all about the engineer design cycle. We scrutinised a pen and discussed the design features and why they were necessary. We were set our own problem and had to use the engineer design cycle to make a piece of paper travel across the classroom. Our limitation was one piece of paper and two minutes! The screwed up piece of paper won! We carried out different experiments to explore how to change the volume and pitch of a sound. We have also started planning to add sound to a silent movie clip. We really enjoyed our stunning start and will be able to use our new knowledge to make our own sound generators later in the term. To make our own sound generators, each child will need a small tub that can be cut; a large margarine tub or small ice cream tub or similar will be ideal. Please can these be sent in by the 27th November. 

A reminder that homework is uploaded on the Year 4 homework page each week as well as sent home in books. Homework is always due back in on a Thursday and handed out on a Friday. There is also now a Reading spine handout uploaded on the homework page for those parents that would like recommendations of books for their child to read. The reading suggestions cover every year group, so hopefully there will be books to suit all abilities and interests. 


W/C 4th November 2024

What a busy first week to Term 2. In Maths this week, we focused on how to check our answers using the inverse and on identifying mistakes and correcting them. We have started learning about area and how to measure area using squares. We used a variety of resources to measure a table and used our problem solving skills to decide which were accurate and effective strategies. Next week we will continue to learn about area. We will identify the properties of rectilinear shapes and compare different areas. 

In English this week, we have identified which prefixes and suffixes are added to root words and how they change the meaning of words. We wrote our own poems on Monday using a variety of features and styles. We have now started our new text 'Romans on the Rampage' which we are finding very funny! It is all written from the viewpoint of a raven. We have finished the week writing character descriptions about the rather boastful raven! Next week in English we will be focusing on non-fiction writing and will be planning and writing about our own imaginary inventions for the future.

We are very fortunate that this term we have Gymnastics teacher, Hayley, leading our PE lessons. This week we learnt essential warm-up routines for gymnastics. We then learnt straight, star, and tuck jumps and a half and whole turn jumps. We learnt how to hold our landings for 3 seconds and finished with important stretches. 





W/C 21st October 2024


We have had a fantastic last week of term and crammed a lot of learning. In Maths we have been adding and subtracting four digit numbers with more than one exchange. We have also been developing our problem solving skills. We have been checking the strategies we use, spotting mistakes and making corrections.  After half term, we will consolidate our learning of addition and subtraction with some fluency lessons and then move on to understanding and identifying area.

In English we have read the book 'Rhythm of the rain' by Grahame Baker-Smith. We also analysed two river poems, one by Edgar Allan Poe and the other by Caroline Anne Bowles. We have written some wonderfully descriptive poems in the style of these poets. Our next reading adventure will start after half term by exploring the book, 'Romans on the Rampage' by Jeremy Strong, and we will write an extended character description.

In Science this week we consolidated our learning on sound and had a carousel of experiments to explore sound, how it travels, how it can be changed and how it can be absorbed. We listened and watched intently to a tuning fork both in and out of water and could then use scientific vocabulary to explain what we had observed.

We are all very proud of our finish artwork of a tiger in the jungle. We used techniques to show tone and depth and evaluated our work, identifying areas we could improve. 


W/C 14th October 2024

This week in English, we have finished reading Tiger Tiger and we wrote our own sequels. We thought about story structure when writing our stories and used an exciting opening sentence. We organised our writing into paragraphs and, as always, did our best to use ambitious vocabulary. There is an extract of a story below written using effective paragraphs.

In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers using the column method. We have looked carefully at problems and used our reasoning skills to identify when we will need to exchange and when we won't.

There has been a lot of concentration and perseverance whilst drawing tigers in art over the last few weeks. We have being developing our shading skills to add tone and depth. The effects so far have been very successful. Watch out for some photos of the finished artwork next week.

Next week in Maths, we will be adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers with more than one exchange used. In English we will be reading the Rhythm of the Rain book by Grahame Baker-Smith and using it to inspire us to write expanded noun phrases and poems. We will be comparing poems and then using the features and style of a poem to write our own poem about rain and rivers.

W/C 7th October 2024

We have had another busy and enjoyable week of learning in Year 4. In English we started the week with a 'conscience alley' and the teachers were 'Boots' the tiger and the children were the voices telling Boots, the tiger, to turn back to the palace or to run free; it got extremely noisy, but the children had a lot of fun. For the rest of the week, we have planned and written persuasive letters to Emperor Caesar to convince him to grant Boots his freedom.

In Maths, we have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We have also been adding and subtracting tens, hundreds and thousands. We have found it challenging to remember which numbers change and it has been helpful to use place value mats and counters to support our understanding.

In Geography we reviewed our learning from our trip by writing facts that compared the river Rhine with the river Medway. We also explored manmade and natural changes that occur on the Rhine.

In History we are still excited about learning more about the Romans. This week we learnt about the Punic wars and compared the success of the Romans siege of Carthage three times!

In science we are continuing to learn about sound and how soundwaves travel. We used a slinky to demonstrate a soundwave and learnt about compression and rarefaction.

In art we have been learning about shape and shading and the children are using this knowledge to draw a tiger.

In music we have continued to play our recorders and we are making great progress in holding our notes, and playing chorally too.

Next week in Maths, we will be adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers with and without exchange. In English we will planning and writing a sequel to Tiger Tiger. We will think about story structure and when to use paragraphs.


W/C 30th September 2024

Wow what an exciting week we have had in year 4!

In Maths, we have been learning Roman numerals to 100 and rounding up to the nearest 10. In English we have continued reading 'Tiger Tiger' and in groups thought about an imaginary pet that we thought we could persuade an audience was the best pet ever! The speeches used lots of persuasive language and were very compelling. They were presented to a group of willing year 5 children who had the tough job of deciding on the best pet!

Next week, in Maths, we will continue rounding numbers to the nearest 1000. Then we will move on to subtracting 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s. In English we will be writing a persuasive argument using imperative (bossy) verbs and the persuasive language we have been using this week.

The highlight of our week has been our rather wet, but enjoyable school trip to Tonbridge, to continue our learning in Geography about rivers. We learnt lots of facts about the River Medway and some of the history of the river. This also linked to our learning about the Romans. The ‘Battle of the Medway’ was the first major recorded battle of the Roman invasion of Britain under the Emperor Claudius in 43AD. We learnt about how the River Medway was the reason the castle was built there and how it was used for imports and exports. We thought about the positive and negative impacts of the river on the town of Tonbridge. We used ribbon to compare the length of the River Rhine and the River Medway and then, for a fun science fact, compared this to how long the veins are in the human body if all put together. An impressive 100,000 kilometres approximately!


We were very grateful to St Peter and St Paul’s church who allowed us to use the church to enjoy our lunch and complete some of our activities in the dry. We spent time comparing the town of Tonbridge to the city of Cologne in Germany. We used maps and pictures to help us as well as good observational skills. We sketched the River Medway and labelled the key features. We learnt about the flooding that Tonbridge has suffered throughout history and observed the modern-day defences to prevent damage. We learnt about the flood barrier and flood storage area and talked about how we might feel if our home was at risk from flooding and what action we would take. It was a day crammed full of cross-curricular learning and it was lovely to see the children build on friendships across the two classes.


Thank you so much to the wonderful volunteers who accompanied us on our trip. Such trips would not be possible without you and, being able to discuss and work in small groups, really enriched the children’s experience and learning.




W/C 23rd September 2024

This week in year 4 we have started reading our new text ‘Tiger Tiger’ by Lynne Reid Banks and the children are very excited by it already. We have been inspired to write a setting description about the jungle and a character description about Princess Aurelia. We have used relevant adverbs and some ambitious vocabulary to capture the readers interest.

In Maths, we have been comparing numbers to 10,000 and consolidating our knowledge of place value. We are becoming confident at finding 10, 100 and 1000 more and less than a given number. We have also been practising our times tables on 'Times Tables Rock Stars' and have all completed a soundcheck this week. Please continue to do these at home.

We are continuing to enjoy our science topic on sound and went outside’ this week to understand how the distance travelled affects the sound we hear. We had to record where we thought we heard a sound without looking and all showed excellent listening skills.

Next week, in Maths, we will be ordering and rounding numbers to 10,000 and learning roman numerals up to 100. In English we will be using persuasive language to present an argument.

We are also looking forward to our trip to Tonbridge on Monday. Please remember snacks, drinks, packed lunch, carrier bags to sit on, uniform with comfortable trainers and waterproof coats and bags. Many thanks for your support.

Soundcheck on 'Times Tables Rock Stars'

W/C 16th September 2023

This week in Maths we have continued our learning on place value and have been partitioning numbers to 10,000. We have been developing our use of mathematical language to be able to explain the difference between numbers, using 10’s, 100’s and 1,000’s. Next week in Maths, we will be using a number line to estimate numbers up to 10,000 and comparing and ordering numbers up to 10,000.

In English this week, our learning has continued linked to the text 'The Comet' by Joe Todd-Stanton and we have enjoyed writing descriptive poems about the sea and the city, using adverbs and adverbial phrases.  We have also explored the character, ‘Nyla’, from the book, and written a diary entry making sure we included feelings and used past tense and informal language.  Next week in English, we will be introducing our captivating new text ‘Tiger, Tiger’ by Lynne Reid Banks. We will be writing a setting description, character description and making predictions using evidence from the text and inference.

In Geography, we have been learning about the river Rhine and features of rivers. We learnt about how the Rhine affects the city of Cologne.  A letter has been emailed about our upcoming trip into Tonbridge to learn more about rivers. We would be very grateful for parent volunteers.

This week in Science, we explored how sound travels. We observed how sugar moves when placed on cling film over a bowl, just by making a noise near it. The vibrations caused by the soundwaves moved the sugar. We learnt lots of amazing facts about sound, so feel free to ask some questions about sound at home!

In PE this week, we had fun developing our fundamental skills indoors on Tuesday. We had some challenging tasks, such as moving cones between hoops with just our feet while sitting down and trying to move a ball around ourselves using just one foot! It was an exciting way to develop our coordination. On Thursday, both Year 4 classes enjoyed PE together outside in the sunshine. We continued to learn a variety of ball skills and played a game which depended on our throwing and catching skills to stay in the game. It was wonderful to see such excellent teamwork and sportspersonship.

W/C 3rd September 2024

Year 4 have had a wonderful first week back. The children have enjoyed catching up with old friends and have made some new friends as we have welcomed several new students.

We have written and signed Class charters and reminded everyone of the high expectations we have for them at Bishop Chavasse. All the children have settled into school life quickly and have been working hard already.

We have had a lot of RHE based learning to support children in their return to school. They have been thinking about the skills and qualities that make them special and what strategies help them to learn well and stay on the green zone of regulation. We have developed our teamwork skills by building towers with cocktail sticks and sweets! We then used this to think about strong foundations like in the story of the wise and foolish man from the Bible.

In English, the children have all written a recount of a favourite memory from their holidays. They used first person and past tense as well as some rich vocabulary for description. We have also described what is special about her homes and produced some fantastic descriptive writing which will be proudly displayed on the Wow writing board in the corridor.

We are looking forward to a full timetable of learning next week. In Maths we will be concentrating on place value and partitioning numbers to 1000. In English we will read the book ‘The Comet’ by Joe Todd Stanton and write a newspaper report about a comet landing! We will develop our interview skills and use direct speech and non-direct speech.